Hear from our Listeners

"I enjoy listening to Catholic radio because it gives me an opportunity to hear from people all across the country about their own experiences of faith. There are so many marvelous men and women out there who are sharing their own life stories, their faith stories. There are so many people that have such important questions and these all come across on Catholic radio. It's been a real blessing to me personally."

"I just love Real Presence Radio! Thank you for all you do. I count the radio personalities among my best friends!"

"Hello there! I am a young adult in the Duluth area, and I work with many college aged students on the campus of UMD and CSS. For many months there was a bus that drove through campus wrapped with a RPR advertisement. It became affectionately known as, "the Jesus bus" among the students. I just wanted to pass along a thank you for doing that. I can't imagine it was a cheap endeavor, but it was well worth it! When basically every other bus was a Planned Parenthood bus, "the Jesus bus" started so many good conversations on campus. It was amazing. (& we really miss it!) Just wanted to tip my hat to the marketing department and / or donor that made that happen. It was a joy! God Bless."

"Thank you for your work. You have blessed me...I have grown!"

"I really enjoy your Catholic programming. Thank you for working so hard to keep it going."

"Thank you for all you are doing to evangelize our corner of the world, one soul at a time!!"


3 Videos

"We appreciate having Real Presence in our state and to see that it is widespread with resounding presence in at least six communities. Thank you for your service."

"I listen to RPR whenever possible and even as a cradle Catholic, I learn so much about our faith and religion. It is such a blessing! I would be lost without it."

"Thank you and God Bless. Our gift seems little compared to the gift Real Presence Radio is to everyone and we appreciate all they do to bring the Holy Trinity to our world."

"I am so grateful for RPR as I listen to it frequently and have been inspired by many of the interviews and guests telling their stories of conversion, etc. Thank you for all you do to keep this mission going. It is a spark that ignites the flames to closeness with our Lord Jesus Christ. The spirit of evangelization is in our midst."

"Thank you for all you do. You are a lifeline to God for so many right now. Thank God we have you."