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Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Fall Festival – Winona, MN
October 28, 2022 - October 29, 2022
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Fall Festival will be held this year the weekend of October 29th and 30th. You will be able bid on many amazing Silent Auction items, take a chance with the Big Ticket to win over $4000 in cash
prizes and handmade quilts and purchase delicious homemade goods in the Bakery! On Saturday night the kitchen will be open with Sloppy Joes and Walking Tacos at 5:30pm with Bingo beginning at 7:00pm. Sunday activities begin at 10:30 am and end at 2:00 pm. There will be chicken dinners for $10 served until gone, with the bidding continuing for the Silent Auction, Big Ticket sales, Bakery, Kids Crafts and more! Silent Auction bids end at 1:30pm. Big Ticket drawing is at 2:00pm. Family fun for all! For more information go to https://www.cascwinona.org/.